birmingham Gay village

Birmingham's Gay Village is the beating heart of the city's LGBTQ+ scene. Centered around Hurst Street, this vibrant neighbourhood is packed with bars, clubs, shops, and restaurants that cater to all tastes and styles.

The Village is seamlessly intertwined with the city's bustling Chinatown, creating a unique and diverse atmosphere where you can experience the best of both worlds. Whether you're looking for a wild night out or a cosy spot to catch up with friends, the Gay Village has you covered.

Bars & Clubs

The Village Inn, Birmingham

The heart and soul of the Gay Village, this pub/club is always buzzing with friendly faces and good vibes.


(Closed for relocation)

Popular with bears, chasers and daddies, this venue hosts popular events like DILF and Dark Eden.


A proper Brummie boozer with rooms to stay the night and a beer garden perfect for a sunny afternoon.

A lively bar with a spacious outdoor terrace, perfect for summer drinks and socialising.

Sidewalk Gay Bar Birmingham

Cosy cocktail bar with a big personality, perfect for dancing and people-watching in the Gay Village.

Birmingham's infamous fetish club, home to the legendary XXL and a whole lot more. Strictly for those who like it a bit...rough.

The Fox Gay Bar Birmingham

A cosy LGBTQ+ pub known for its welcoming atmosphere and regular drag shows.

Chill by day with food and drinks, party by night with cabaret. Their beer garden is a must-visit!

Glamarous Bar

This glitzy bar is all about letting loose and having a fabulous time – perfect for dancing the night away in style.

Nightingale Gay Club Birmingham

Birmingham's iconic gay superclub, where the party goes on all night long.

A friendly bar known for its diverse crowd, great cocktails and welcoming atmosphere.

staying over?

staying over?

Don’t fancy cutting your night short to catch the last train? Check out our recommended hotels.